Small Bears Preschool
Where Friendships and Minds Grow
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Program Description :
Small Bears Private Preschool Program is designed as an enrichment program with a strong art and literacy focus. The current curriculum meets many of the Massachusetts and National Standards and Frameworks for Pre K–2 in the subject areas of language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, and the arts. Students who graduate from Small Bears Preschool will enter kindergarten with a foundation of learning that will set them on the road for academic and social success for years to come.
Typical Daily Schedule:
7:30 Early bird drop off for full time students
8:00 Morning Literacy: Students arrive and choose a center to play at. They may select to work at the writing center, computer center, guided reading center, or listening center. When they have cycled through the four literacy centers students can select a free choice center to play at, such as, dramatic play center, puzzle center, block center, puppet center etc.
9:00 Morning activity: Activities vary from day to day but usually follow a monthly theme. Monthly science themes such as apples in September, pumpkins in October, and leaves in November, serve as a focus for many of the morning activities. Books and art projects are specifically chosen around monthly themes. For example, in September, students listen to stories about apples and create many art and cooking projects related to apples.
10:00 Morning Meeting: Weather, Calendar, story time (interactive read-aloud), and show and tell.
10:30 Snack time: During snack time students relax and eat while they listen to a story read by the teacher. S
11:00 Recess: Weather permitting, students go outside everyday. Students are encouraged to participate in a wide array of games and activities that promote gross motor skills. If outside recess is not possible then students usually participate in an indoor, gross motor activity, such as dancing, marching band, exercises, or gymnastics.
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Free Play
1:00 Writer's Workshop, math and science: In writer's workshop students write stories and create projects that vary throughout the year. From 1 -2:00 students work on writing and coloring part of their projects.
2:00 Art activity: Students create art projects, or put on puppet shows connected to their writers workshop, math or science activities.
2:30 Afternoon recess
3:00 Snack time:
3:30 Clean up time:
4:00 Afternoon literacy students are dismissed.
*Extended care available Monday through Thursday until 5:00 if needed.